December 1, 2022 at 1:57 p.m.

The rest of the story

Dear Editor,
Response to the Steve Ferrell story and attack on county board.
Ferrell's activist group held their own meeting a couple months ago and personal invitations were distributed to all county board members by staff. Those who wanted to go went.  The anti-wind farm group was also on the agenda of 2 Planning and Zoning meetings. Board Agenda items typically go through committees. 
I have had 2 personal communications with the anti-wind farm group in the past 2 months.
The only time I laughed was at the suggestion by Jean Luecke in a phone conversation that she was my constituent and I had to follow her orders. Her request to be on a county board agenda was given a serious response of No. Ferrell made a similar request be email. I also gave him a serious No. Jean is not my constituent because she lives in Dodgeville. Ferrell does not even live in Iowa County and is a constituent of no one in the county.
The board chair in an administrative government like ours, has no veto power, contrary to what Ferrell stated in his letter.
The board follows legal counsel recommendation to remain neutral in the wind farm issue. The board has no regulation authority on wind farms over 99 Mega Watt. Those projects lie in the hands of the Public Service Commission because it is over 99 Mega Watts in size.
John Meyers, Barneveld,WI