April 25, 2022 at 8:33 a.m.

Horse and buggy

Dear Editor;
For several years, I've been in the habit of making a "loop" when leaving town. If it coincides with an appointment, all the better.
Today my loop took me south. My initial stop was Weber Meats where I've come to know several of the butchers.
(If you've never taken your children or grand-children to a butcher shop, it's worth the trip. They get to see meat cut to order "in the background," displayed "as is," and packaged per your request. You get to choose to buy one or many and all at a fair price.)
Years ago, you'd walk to your local butcher shop several times a week. A man would come down your street pushing a cart from which you would select fresh fruit and vegetables. My Mom liked to reminisce about how her Father used to open the door to the root cellar and gaze at the shelves filled with glass jars of items they'd "put up."
But I digress.
As I was getting out of my car at Menard's garden center, a horse and buggy passed. Then I saw two women with dark caps and billowing capes cross the street walking in the direction of Walmart.
I too stopped at Walmart and parked with my car facing the horse and buggy. My first thought was "How well behaved that horse is, just staying in place." Then I saw it, a first (for me). Not a hitching post but actually a weathered gray railing to which the horse was tied.
Kudos to Menards for accommodating ALL of its customers (and some of Walmart's too.)
Eileen Z. Fitzsimons
Dodgeville, WI