April 25, 2022 at 8:32 a.m.

Environmental groups have it wrong

Dear Editor;
The Cardinal Hickory Creek Transmission line in Southwest Wisconsin would greatly benefit our state with significant economic and environmental benefits. Direct benefits would include good paying construction jobs in southwest Wisconsin. Indirect benefits would include substantial shared revenue payments to local and county governments, as well as land lease payments to farmers.
As we transition to more renewable energy in Wisconsin and the Midwest, transmission lines such as this one allow electricity generated from wind and solar projects to be utilized in Wisconsin and throughout the region. This greatly benefits Wisconsin by allowing us to utilize electricity from other states, when needed, but also to export electricity to other states as well. This strengthens our electrical grid, which is key, especially in times of extreme weather events.
There are 114 renewable energy projects that rely on this line's construction in order to tie into the regional power grid, which would cut carbon emissions by up to 1.2 million tons each year.
It is disappointing to see environmental groups oppose this transmission line when it will reduce carbon emissions, and actually benefit the environment by transitioning us towards more clean energy in Wisconsin and the Midwest.

Matt Johnson,
WI Land and Liberty Coalition
Albany, WI