April 25, 2022 at 8:37 a.m.

Dodger softball splits at Cuba City tourney

Dodgeville's softball team splint in their two games at the Cuba City tournament Saturday.
The Dodgers lost 10-8 to Potosi in an error filled game that saw the winning runs score in an eight run fifth. The inning for Potosi saw them collect three hits, a walk and take advantage of four of Dodgeville's six errors for the day.
Potosi also had single runs in the first and fourth. Only three of their 10 runs were earned.
Annika Lord was the hard luck pitcher of the game. She struck out six and walked two while giving up six hits.
Dodgeville tied the game in the third when Maggie White walked, advanced on a hit by Grace Graber and moved up on a grounder by McKenna Reilly that was misplayed. White then scored on a hit by Carley Wolf.
The Dodgers plated two runs in the fourth and four in the fifth.
RBIs came from White, Sara Graber and Ryleigh Grunenwald with two each while Lucy Heimerl and Wolf each drove in one.
The Dodgers outhit Potosi 13-6. Ella Forsyth was 3x4 with a triple while Heimerl was 2x3 with a double. White was 2x3 while Grace Graber, McKenna Reilly. Sara Graber and Grunenwald all had one hit.
Gracie Breitsprecker was 2x3 with a double and two rbis for the Chieftains. Aspen Walsh was 2x4 with a double and an rbi. Mykala Baur and Emily Bierman had singles and rbis.
Malia Weber pitched a complete game win for Potosi.
In a 6-2 win over host Cuba City a bases loaded double by McKenna Reilly in the second inning sent the score to 5-0 and proved to be the winning runs.
Reilly unloaded after Grunenwald reached on a fielders choice, Heimerl got life on an error and White walked.
The Dodgers scored two in the opening frame when Heimerl and Reilly reached on errors. Heimerl scored on an error and Reilly on a single by Lord.
The final Dodger run crossed the plate in the fourth. Heimerl doubled and scored on a single by Wolf.
Only one of the runs off Lord was earned. The senior hurler fanned four and walked two while surrendering nine hits.
Dodger coach Gene Van Dyck commented on each game saying:
Cuba City - "Offensively, we had a good game against a fairly decent pitcher. In addition to the 9 hits in 6 at bats, we hit some really hard shots right at them. So, hitting continues to be a real strong point for our team. Defensively, we played an OK game making most of the easy plays with only a couple of errors. But, on the other hand we did not make any really tough plays. With Annika striking out 14, we only had to make 7 defensive outs in the game. While Annika threw dominating ball, she was responsible for the 2 runs as one got on base by way of a walk and the other was a hit by pitch."
Potosi - "This is a bad news good news assessment. Bad news first and there is no way to sugar coat it. Our defense and base running were the worst that I can ever remember. As for the defense, the coaching staff is still stumbling around trying to get our players in the best positions to make us a good defensive club. Hopefully a little more tweaking and some practice will take care of this issue. Addressing the base running is a really tough issue. This is instincts, smarts and a whole lot of reps. We're going to work hard on this if we can get outside practice but it appears that's going to be a problem given the weather forecast. We scored 8 runs on 13 hits and a couple of base-on-balls. This is absolutely unacceptable and was the sole result of terrible base-running. They scored 7 unearned runs as the result of horrible defense. It's early in the year and Annika threw 13 innings and well over 200 pitches. So, she only struck out 6 and we needed to make plays and we couldn't do it. Not only did we not make any real good plays, we had real big trouble with both standard and easy plays. The good news is we continue to really hit well and for the defense the only way is up and we will get there. Hopefully sooner rather than later."