September 28, 2021 at 1:33 p.m.

American Marxism

Dear Editor;
In every school district in America, local committees of patriotic community activists, must organize as some are already doing. Among other things, they should get involved in virtually every aspect of local public education. We can no longer leave the education of our children and the well being of our community to "the professionals". As we have learned especially since the pandemic, the educational bureaucracy does not have the best interests of our children as their top priority, and consequences for such inattention are disastrous. Community committees, parents' groups, and other patriot activists should file their own lawsuits against as many school systems as possible that practice and impose Critical Race Theory, Wokeness and Cancel Culture, or other Marxist ideologies.
Marxism is a social, political and economic theory originated from Karl Marx, focusing on the struggles between the working class and capitalists. Marxism believes that capitalists can only thrive on the exploitation of the working class. Marxism believes that there was a real contradiction between human nature and the way we must work in a capitalist society. Socialism which is advocated by our liberal politicians, is a system where we have a collectivist society. There is no private ownership, everything is owned by the government. Society is compensated by the government to stay home, (Universal Basic Income). Just like Biden was giving the unemployed $300 per week to stay home, Biden is trying to crash the economy by not giving jobs to the working class. He pays Americans to stay home and that lets all the migrants from the southern border be able to get jobs. If there are no jobs at the end for the working class, they'll have to take the Universal Basic Income to survive and stay home indefinitely. Everywhere around the world, we see the bitter fruit of Marxism. Everywhere his ideas have been put into practice, death, misery, loss of basic freedoms, and poverty follows.
Critical Race Theory
Critical Race Theory is destructive and rejects the fundamental ideas on which our constitutional republic is based. It advocates discrimination against white people in order to achieve equity. CRT puts an emphasis on outcomes, not merely on individuals own belief, and it calls on these outcomes to be examined and certified. Critics charge that the theory leads to negative dynamics, such as a focus on group identity over universal shared traits, divides people into "oppressed" and "oppressor" groups, and urges intolerance. CRT teaches white children are racist, they are the oppressors, and it damages their self esteem, and depression results when they are constantly called "White Supremacists". It teaches that whites should be more open to a new society managed by blacks and minorities, which leads to Marxism, which leads to Socialism then Communism. CRT, which is tearing our schools apart, is merely prepackaged Marxism, enforcing the never-ending Marxist principle of oppressed vs oppressors.
Wokeness is being aware - knowing what's going on in the community related to racism and social injustice. It has become a common term of division among some who oppose the movement. It is associated with, or believe the issues are exaggerated. General Milley was so fixated on Wokeness in the military, looking for "White Supremacists", that he totally dropped the ball on Afghanistan. He left behind $85B in military equipment, biometric devices and 500 Americans. Milley didn't think the Afghans were smart enough to fly helicopters and drive Humvees, but the next day they were operating both. After Biden refused to bring back the 500 Americans, two private persons were able to get the Americans out of Afghanistan. Biden, Blinken, Austen and Milley should all be asked to resign because of their incompetence.
Cancel Culture
The practice or tendency of engaging in mass canceling as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure. Cancel culture is supported as a tool to stop offensive and harmful behavior, while others find it problematic and toxic. During the riots in the summer of 2020, Antifa and BLM tore down hundreds of statues of presidents, civil war heroes, even slaves were destroyed all around the United States. These thugs want to change our constitution, our bill of rights and especially our schools. Hundred of streets and statues named for historical significance are being changed. They literally cleared a path of destruction never seen in the US before. Businesses were rampaged, merchandise was stolen and then lit on fire by these so called Domestic Terrorists. (Our term not theirs.) Murdering blacks and whites took place daily. Even little children in strollers were not immune from these thugs. After all was said and done, $2B in damages were inflicted on our cities and thousands of people were killed in the streets by Antifa and BLM.
Critical Race Theory, Wokeness and Cancel Culture is all a bunch of crap. The Liberals are using these Marxists programs to literally change the foundation of the United States. We surely don't need changes like these in a Democratic Society. Biden and the Liberals have to be stopped before they destroy everything that Americans have worked for. We especially need changes in our schools but not this crap. There is a new History curriculum that has just come out. It's called the 1776 Curriculum. We need educators to check this out and see if this is a good fit for them. They also said that Finland has the best schools in the whole world. Educators should check out these programs ASAP.
(Please read the book, "American Marxism" by Mark Levin)
(The views in this article are the views of the author and not this paper)
Mary Finley
Mineral Point