October 22, 2021 at 11:01 a.m.

Your Opinion Should Not Be Confused With Paid Advertisement

Dear Editor;
Last week readers were confronted with yet another paid advertisement on the Editorial page entitled "Biden's Policies".
Apparently, this regular writer of disinformation and extreme political views is able to pay the Chronicle in excess of $250 for each paid advertisement for the privilege of placing her advertisement on the Editorial page.
I wonder if this person is independently wealthy ( she consistently supports policies that favor the wealthy at the expense of working, middle class families). Or, perhaps, she is being paid to submit screeds that are produced for her by right wing groups who support disrupting our democratic institutions?
In any event, I think the readers should question the Chronicle's Editorial Board as to why they print these " advertisements " on the Editorial page as if they are appropriate Letters to the Editor.
In my opinion, they would be more appropriately placed on the Classified Ads page since it is considered a paid advertisement. After all, the writer could choose to submit an appropriate letter to the Editor for free just like the rest of the writers who submit their opinions for consideration by the Chronicle's readers.
Steve Pieroni
Dodgeville, WI