October 22, 2021 at 11:22 a.m.

A Dream

Dear Editor;
I had a dream...a silly dream: Suddenly I couldn't lock my car, because there was a new rule that cars couldn't be locked with the windows up if the camera was on. No explanation of what camera of course--it was just a dream.
But life these days feels just as ridiculous: arguments about masking, vaccination, and about processes to pass bills in Congress that might otherwise cure some of what ails our nation right now. Why do we get embroiled in such ridiculous situations, comparable to my dream? It's impossible to justify the wastage of lives and livelihoods that these arguments have caused and are still causing after all this time.
The last president got us into most of this trouble, financial as well as philosophical. His disciples are forcing it to continue with money wasted on phony 2020 election audits. Why haven't we audited the 2016 election, now that we know how untrustworthy most elected Republicans have proven to be? Answer: That would be too silly for Democrats to waste time and money on! They would rather work on passing bills to help the American people.
Kay Ziegahn, Richland Center, WI