October 15, 2021 at 1:14 p.m.

Correcting the record

Dear Editor;
I must admit that the paid advertisement last week entitled "30 Covid facts you should know" hit me like a punch to the gut.
There was so much false information it made my head spin!
With my own Mom fighting Covid last week, 5 resident deaths, 50% of residents ill or Covid positive, and many staff out sick in her Idaho care facility our family was sick at heart. We can only imagine how hard it is for them to witness the suffering and death of the residents they so lovingly care for. We were shocked to learn only 30% of the staff is vaccinated! The staff are good, hard working people, misled by a steady stream of false information in some news and social media outlets and the cowardly response of many elected officials across the country who opposed mask mandates or were too scared to encourage or even disclose their own vaccination status!
After calling the Chronicle I learned that the newspaper forgot to add that that particular "letter" was in fact a paid advertisement and not printed as an acceptable Letter to the Editor.
I am flabbergasted that some citizens suddenly believe they are smarter than the thousands of Doctors, infectious disease specialists, virologists and vaccine researchers here and around the world that have dedicated their lives to saving our lives.
But I take heart that the citizens of Iowa County remain an independent, and sensible lot. The vaccination rate for people over 65 in Iowa county very quickly neared 90%, and trips to Walmart and Farm and Fleet revealed nearly all wearing masks.
And to restate the obvious. Of course masks reduce viral spread! Surgical teams have always worn masks and for heavens sake, even visiting my cousins hog operation requires not only masks but full disposable paper suits and booties!
Many thanks to the teams at Iowa County Health Department, Upland Hills health and clinics and the dedicated teachers and staff that are doing their level best to keep kids in school and people on the job. I pray that no new Covid variants emerge that are more deadly for children. As we go about our lives, and learn to live with this virus, please do everything you can to protect the most vulnerable in our beautiful community.
Liz Bothfeld
Nurse Practitioner
Dodgeville, WI