November 15, 2021 at 10:18 a.m.

Why I left Grace Lutheran

Dear Editor;
"A threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - MLK Jr. About a year ago I read a signed letter posted 29MAY20 by Bishop Elizabeth Eaton at The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America site,, that called the police who shot Breonna Taylor white supremacists. The letter was posted months before the legal judgement of the officers involved that they were innocent, so Eaton ignorantly judged officer motives, denying them due process, the presumption of innocence. I was shocked and appalled. Like any person of conscience, I was upset to hear of Taylor's shooting. Taylor's boyfriend, though, recklessly endangered her life by deciding to shoot first and identify later like many a Chicago deer hunter that came to WI and ended up leading the nightly news after shooting one of their own hunting party.
Citizens denying the Constitutional rights of other citizens can be a death blow to our democratic republic that so much blood has been shed to make free and just. Power comes from we the people. The greatest cancellation of cancel culture is the cancellation of guaranteed Constitutional rights. A red line was crossed. As an infantryman, my oath to the Constitution never expired. I had to leave in protest in defense of the document I pledged my life to and for which I came close to giving my life. I ask every American to stand up for our Constitution.
One fact in the Taylor shooting indicated the officers gave extra consideration. They had a legal no-knock warrant but knocked anyway. Not one fact has come out that racism had any involvement whatsoever. Officer Mattingly had his femoral artery shot and had every right to shoot back for his life. Eaton's letter was not only anti-Constitutional but she bore false witness against thy neighbor. The only reason we have freedom of religion is the Constitution so Eaton's Constitutional attack was a fools act of self-destruction. I shouldn't have to point out such obvious truths and rights that must be honored for the survival of civil society and democracy. Cancel Culture is a great moral cancer of our time. It must be eliminated at all costs. Pastor Mark has justly and commendably preached against Cancel Culture. I am still waiting for him to practice what he preaches by asking Bishop Eaton to resign. She has proven unworthy of leadership.

Gregory Erickson
US Army infantryman
Dodgeville, WI