November 15, 2021 at 10:17 a.m.

Which is "A" or an "F"?

Dear Editor;
That is the choice the Wisconsin State Legislature is making on our election maps which will be used for the next ten years. The Princeton University gerrymandering report card project ranked maps across the United States and the maps drawn by the Wisconsin State Legislature got an "F" for partisan fairness while the maps drawn by the People's Map Commission got an "A" for partisan fairness. If whomever is in power votes for "F" maps (currently bills SB621/AB624), it is a clear statement that they are willing to put job security over their duty to represent their constituency. It is a statement that they are willing to CHEAT!
Please write or call your State Legislators and tell them that is UNACCEPTABLE! Find your legislator at Tell them to vote NO on Senate bill 621 and Assembly bill 624. Our Democracy is based on FAIR elections. This is not a Democrat or Republican is an American issue. Voting is a sacred right of every American citizen so let your outrage at cheating be heard!

Christine Tsubokura
Mineral Point, WI