November 15, 2021 at 10:18 a.m.

The Gordian Knot

Dear Editor;
The Gordian Knot is a term which applies to a problem which seems to be unsolvable until the simplest solution is used. I think that the latest article in the Chronicle shows a perfect example of the knot. ATC indicated that their Cardinal Hickory Creek line is needed now more than ever because they have so much support from a long list of utilities and governmental entities including Pattern, LLC the wind turbine company, the Public Service Commission, and the Mid-Continent Independent System Operator. All of these entities have a financial interest in Cardinal Hickory Creek going through. Never mind the will of the people whose lives will be changed forever by the destruction to their environment. It is truly a Gordian Knot. ATC has begun clearing the Right of Way for their towers despite cases being in court, fighting the legality of the permit. And despite the fact that a federal court has approved an injunction against clearing sensitive federal wetlands. Their argument is that it will cost them money to delay the line. And don't worry, the additional costs will be the responsibility of the energy consumers.
Pattern, LLC is continuing to hound landowners to sign 60 page 40 year contracts for wind turbines which are almost 700 feet tall. There is ample evidence that much smaller turbines cause health effects that range from immediate to long term. Three families moved out of Brown County because of illness related to wind turbines there. Nausea, dizziness, inability to sleep are common immediate health effects. Long term illness is called Vibro Acoustic Disease (VADS). Look it up. It's horrifying.
The Gordian Knot again. Pattern won't build the turbines if CHC doesn't go through. The simple solution is to stop Cardinal Hickory Creek.
All citizens need to educate themselves about this situation. They need to ask the county board, the state legislative representatives and the PSC Wind Siting Council why they are not taking steps to bring our statues and ordinances up to current standards. The Wind Siting Council hasn't met their review obligations and no one is holding them accountable.
So, how do we untie this Gordian Knot? We get educated and we get involved. If you love where we live and want to maintain our beautiful Driftless Area, it is your responsibility. For yourself, and your community.
For more information see or
Jane Batha
Mineral Point