November 15, 2021 at 10:17 a.m.

Doctors and other authorities must be held accountable

Dear Editor;
Doctors should have been the first to alert the public about the needless deaths, preventable sickness, false science, dangerous SHOTS, and unconscionable fraud of COVID. They should have immediately recognized the profound importance and shocking lack of informed consent for a new, controversial, hastily designed, China-influenced, FDA-reclassified, experimental technology. They should have known the numerous dangers and alerted everyone to the meaningless COVID "testing", maleficent masks, killer drugs like remdesivir, respirator contraindications, corrupt CDC protocols, and poison death SHOTs.
Who cares that 81 research studies confirm natural immunity to COVID is 'equal' or 'superior' to vaccine immunity? Who cares about 2,433 fetal deaths? Or that spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair (PMC8538446). WHY are we injecting anyone, let alone CHILDREN, for COVID-19 (PMC8437699)?
How dark must it get before one acts? How did our society's protectors of health lose interest in health only to become the forces for a dystopian campaign to forcibly mask, swab, test, and inject every man, woman and child on the planet? What kind of "healthcare professional" would advise patients to get an untested injectable cocktail delivering 4 trillion nanoparticles containing the mRNA genetic code for SARS-CoV2 Spike Protein -- the most lethal molecule in the COVID-19 virus bioweapon? (NIH admits funding Wuhan experiments producing "gain-of-function" - another term for bioweapon development.)
DEATHS following the experimental mRNA "vaccines" are historic and climbing. Strokes are killing and maiming. The SHOTs are faulted for rising aggressive cancers and progressive immune deficiency. Delayed fatalities from ADE/pathogenic priming are just starting.
Taiwan announced "vaccine" deaths now exceed COVID deaths. Israel health data show deaths skyrocketing with every vaccination round. Sweden, Finland and Norway halted the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for younger people. Iceland ceased the SHOT for everyone. Japan is moving from vaccination toward Ivermectin. Large parts of India are declared COVID-free because last spring those regions switched from vaccination to simple remedies. Citing myocarditis risk, France's health authority advised against the Moderna vaccine.
More tragic than "vaccine" injury, is allowing others to be injured through silence. "I'm not comfortable" is not an excuse. Censorship by the healthcare cartel, newspapers, TV, social media, and the technocracy is unconscionable, but also not an excuse for complacency.
Why does it look like those who we once trusted as "healthcare professionals" are the last to wake up, stand up, or speak up? Is there anyone actually in charge of protecting health? Who's paying attention? Who cares about the moral issues? Is any of this legal? When did anyone give Counties, CEOs, and school authorities custody of personal health decisions? Who's taking personal responsibility? Where are the doctors, pharmacists, and nurses? And where are the churches?
This whole affair is evil. Stop being compliant and silent about it.
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Mark Lepinske
The author is a scientist with a career in life science & medical research spanning over 40 years.
DISCLAIMER: All content in this article is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. The information here is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind.
Mark Lepinske
Dodgeville, WI