November 11, 2021 at 10:15 a.m.

No One Supports Gerrymandering, But Cheaters

Dear Editor;
Last Thursday, the Legislature held just one hearing in Madison to hear the public's response to their proposed voting district maps - maps that will impact our lives, our state, and our nation for the next decade. Over 200 people from around the state showed up to register opposition. Other than the two party bosses who benefit most from the maps. NOT ONE PERSON TESTIFIED IN SUPPORT!
The maps proposed in Senate Bill 621 and Assembly Bill 624 are as unfair and unjust as the rigged maps from 2011 that were deemed unconstitutional by a panel of federal judges. The new maps would cement another decade of unjust rule.
Wisconsinites believe in fair play, and have said loud and clear - we demand fair maps! 55 county boards voiced support for a nonpartisan redistricting process. In poll after poll, large majorities of voters from both parties say maps should not favor one party over another. The maps now proposed are so bad Princeton University graded them an F! The supporters of gerrymandering know the truth: they can't win without cheating with rigged maps.
Join me in contacting your state legislators. It's easy to find out who they are: Tell them to VOTE NO on SB 621/AB 624. If they vote to continue to gerrymander our state and rig future elections, join me in working to oust them from office. We deserve better.
Claudia Looze
Highland, WI