November 11, 2021 at 10:13 a.m.

It's time to imagine!

Dear Editor;
Remember John Lennon singing "Imagine"? He wanted us to imagine a world with peace and brotherhood and kindness. So, Imagine! Imagine a Wisconsin legislature that works for the benefit of all of us. Instead, we have unprincipled politicians who instead investigate over and over and over an election that has been proven to be fair and honest. It would be reasonable to say, "There is no evidence to the contrary. The election was fair." But, nope, our Republican senators said, "Hey, our investigation didn't say what we wanted it to say..Let's use the taxpayer's money and check it again."
Understand, they are wasting our money! Our money that could be used for child care, education, for better internet and cell phone service for ALL of us! Why isn't Sen. Marklein (the chair of the powerful Joint Finance Committee) interested in funding our needs, instead of wasting money on trying to find/invent fraud in previous elections? Why doesn't he instead support improved pay to counties, so counties could pay for the unfunded mandates he helped create. Why doesn't he support and create a committee to create FAIR MAPS so we ALL would be represented honestly and evenly?
What's next? What money wasting, time wasting committee will they create next?
If our current legislature won't support the good, honest, hard
working people of Wisconsin, perhaps it's time to IMAGINE one that does....and use our voting power to create one.
Barbara Voyce
Lone Rock, WI