November 8, 2021 at 11:14 a.m.

Why do landowners give in?

Dear Editor,
Why do land owners continue to cave under pressure from big energy companies? Land owners need to stand up for their rights and NOT sign any easement contracts. First we have the Cardinal Hickory Creek transmission line that threatens our area. These developers continue to push forward without state approval. National Wildlife Refuge areas are threatened by these unneeded lines. Do your research before giving access to your land.
Second is the Upland Wind project, again threatening our area with huge wind turbines. If the CHC line goes through you can bet the turbines will not be far behind. All this development that benefits only a chosen few in our area and puts money in the pockets of the developers at our expense. Our land will never be the same after these developers have their way. Oh you don't mind turbines? Do your homework! Uplands turbines will tower over 650 feet tall.
Next it will be more solar panels. Have you driven around Montfort lately? You probably should drive by the turbines there and then imagine ones twice as tall surrounding Mineral Point. The solar farm there continues to grow, overtaking acres of prime farmland. And back to the CHC transmission line - how are they able to clear cut land in a National Wildlife refuge?
Stand up for your rights! Be informed! Get the facts! Visit, and for more information.
Steve Ferrell
Iowa County Landowner
Monroe, WI