November 8, 2021 at 11:13 a.m.

Imagine our shock

Dear Editor;
My husband Jim and I have been in love with SW Wisconsin since the 1980s. So much so that we bought a local rock house and a beautiful pasture in a valley just north of Ludden Lake. That valley had 3 old foundations, a root cellar, and a beautiful old barn until a big storm rolled through. We had horses and rented to a cattle guy to keep an eye on the place. A branch of the Pecatonica runs the whole length of the pasture.
When we felt like we couldn't keep up with the property anymore, we took the State up on their offer to buy our farm. They had sent people out to do bird surveys - and found unique habitat for birds in serious decline. We never wanted to see that land developed so it was a great opportunity to honor my Father in Law, a farmer, and name that new nature conservancy land after him.
Imagine our shock when we visited the farm last May and saw the " No Uplands Wind Farms" signs. It appears our former farm, now in conservancy, will be surrounded by megawatt wind turbines almost 700 feet high - 70 stories!
I dont understand how WI Conservancy groups are allowing a Canadian company to do this?! Those turbines are buzz saws for birds and bats. They affect people and animals as well.
­Please don't let a couple dollar signs cloud your judgement - they will decide where the roads and turbines go...and go back to Canada. In 15 years those turbines will need to be replaced and they will sit in a landfill forever. Is that green? We must take a long term perspective and save beautiful SW WI for generations. This is your chance. Just say no.
Linda and Jim Davis
St Charles, IL