May 19, 2021 at 9:43 a.m.

Cattle farmers are committed to the environment for the future

Dear Editor;
With the recent recognition of Earth Day, sustainability is top-of-mind. As a farmer, I am proud that I provide both high-quality beef for consumers today, and maintain the land to provide a better future for generations to come.
I credit my mom and dad for being sustainability trailblazers. They established our farm with conservation at the heart of the operation, installing diversions and waterways to better funnel water and preserve the soil. My dad always said, "We don't own the land, we just take care of it for the next generation."
Now it is my turn to continue that philosophy. My goal is to improve the land so that my children and grandchildren can continue our farm's conservation efforts. By incorporating no-till farming practices and planting cover crops, we continue to improve soil health, prevent erosion and keep silt from entering rivers.
This type of ingenuity and resourcefulness is practiced by farmers and ranchers all over the country.
I'm committed to continuous improvement so that we can produce the beef consumers know and love, while preserving our natural resources. It's a practice that will allow us to continue living off this land, generation after generation.
Mike Berg
Berg Family Farm
Blanchardville, WI