May 4, 2021 at 11:33 a.m.

Senator Baldwin isn't doing her job

Dear Editor;
Senator Baldwin needs to be replaced. She may have once represented citizens of Wisconsin but that no longer appears to be the case. She ignored concerns raised about the way our veterans were being treated until it became a political liability and then claimed she was unaware.
She is still ignoring citizens of Wisconsin. I have called many times and sent e-mails for help with an issue. Regardless of whether I call the Washington office or the Madison office, they are reading from the same index card.
They send you to websites that don't work or have no information. It seems that now she is in office, she is more interested in how to keep her job than how to help Wisconsin. Government, both state and federal, has accomplished very little over the past several years and that does not seem to be changing.
We need to let them know their lack of performance is not acceptable.
Linda Lynch
Ridgeway, WI