March 25, 2021 at 11:29 a.m.

Windmills and Environmentalists

Dear Editor;
John Curran wrote an excellent letter to the editor last week in which he pointed out one of many economists and scientists who question the validity of wind and solar power. I take exception to one minor point that "environmentalists think they have found a magic solution for energy on earth in the form of wind and solar power". John, I suspect we are both environmentalists who care deeply about this planet and even more about the people in our community. This is not a debate about the validity of climate change, this is a debate about how the problem should be solved by investing in research and development to create viable and sustainable energy that doesn't do great harm to communities. We can do both. This is an objection to big government and giant corporations shoving these wind towers down our throats will no remedy provided for the little people. Keep writing great letters!
Dave Knapp, Mineral Point, WI