March 2, 2021 at 2:27 p.m.

Why and How?

Dear Editor;
I have questions as to WHY and HOW. How did Biden/Harris magically become nominees, when they originally got no traction in their own party? Do you think YOU voted those two into office? Why did You buy into the cult of Obama, who was manipulated into office by a cabal whose sole purpose was to fundamentally transform America? Identity politics anyone? That self-same cabal was going to assure that their candidate would win this time. One facet of the fundamental transformation was the corruption of governmental institutions - FBI, CIA, IRA to name a few. Much happens in politics/governance that we don't know about, but we do know which administration used all available governmental resources to spy on, minimize, denigrate, spread lies and rumors, etc. to discredit a candidate/elected official and to prevent their future political activity. President Trump's telephone conversations were leaked. Why didn't we hear the conversation between puppet Biden and Chinese President Xi? The fixing of the 2020 election didn't just happen with ballot harvesting, mail in ballots, illegal voters, invalid ballots, etc., it began with the spying on the candidate and the massive effort to malign President Trump personally and as President. It was well orchestrated and obviously it worked for those who seek to destroy America and is so indicative of the fundamental transformation of America. Why didn't we hear any outrage when a sitting President was so evilly and maliciously maligned? Why wasn't there outrage about the riots all summer? Why isn't there outrage about the censorship of thoughts expressed by conservatives? Why isn't there outrage about throwing open borders by EO, disregarding COVID, financial burdens placed on this country, drugs and national security? Why isn't there hair on fire outrage about the vicious treasonous prattle coming out of the world of pretend and make-believe, ie Hollywood?
One thing that is abundantly clear is that everything the dems, socialists, media, leftist, etc. accuse other of, they are saying or doing in spades.
In closing, in the name of unity I hope the puppet regime of Biden/Harris/Obama receives everything back at them that was thrown at and used to try to destroy the Trump Administration and their supporters. And the same amount of respect will be given to Sniffy Biden and Giggles Harris as was given to President Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence. Governance by EO. Anyone out there checking on Biden's lies?
Marcella Danti
Livingston, WI