March 2, 2021 at 2:24 p.m.

Capitol invasion

Dear Editor;
Most every news outlet, left or right, is twisting the facts and spinning the narrative that it was "Trump supporters" that "stormed" the Capitol in Washington, DC on Jan 6th. The mainstream media is arousing the already emotionally charged public with inflammatory verbiage. Their so-called journalistic objectivity--with an alleged duty to report both sides of the issues--is in serious question, yet again.
To get an insider's view of the events on Jan 6th, AFP has interviewed multiple attendees of that "Stop the Steal" event. While the names of those interviewed are real, some were hesitant to give their last names for fear of professional and political retribution.
"He never insinuated that we commit violence," stated Debbie M. of Fort Worth, Texas. "Trump said to us, " "And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore." No one there would have taken this to mean literally fighting." Congress fights passionately with each other everyday over differences of opinion. It's the First Amendment in action. This is what Trump was alluding to in that speech. President Trump ended on a positive note. "My fellow Americans, for our movement, for our children and for our beloved country...we're going to walk down Pennsylvania Ave...and we're going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones (because the strong ones don't need any help) the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. I want to thank you all!
Mitchell H. stated for the record, "I'm a moderate Democrat. What I witnessed were not conservative supporters inciting violence. It was very irrational radicals that I knew to be Antifa. The same Antifa that I saw at other rallies were not dressed in what I had seen them wearing before. This time they weren't in black. Some were wearing red MAGA hats backward (to identify them from real Trump supporters).
Michael B. Of New Jersey, a member of the Walk Away Campaign, which in the end, had more than 500,000 members, all former Democrats who could no longer support that party, stated" it's about a 50 minute walk to the Capitol. I arrived and saw Capitol police pulling apart barricades "waving" people through. What I saw was Leftist provocateurs. I saw CNN was there, before the majority of Trump supporters arrived.
Rick B. Of Nevada, also an eyewitness, saw supporters arrive. Then suddenly, "the left protestors became more irrational." They were obsessively trying to break out windows. Many of the Trump supporters tried to stop them.
The conservatives, according to reporter Bronson Stocking, were saying, "No Antifa, No. Antifa". This was heard by multiple people in the crowd. "As Antifa protesters broke windows in the Capitol, four Trump supporters were seen pulling the Antifa agitators back". Another Trump supporter was trying to physically restrain an individual damaging the doorway leading into the building.
According to an anonymous source, "it's the people's house. We didn't want violence. It was Antifa and troublemakers. Some call them "Crisis Actors". We see the same ones following us from Trump rally to Trump rally.
What we saw in DC was no different than what we have seen across the nation; Antifa agitators trying to incite violence. I have attended dozen of Trump rallies and I have personally seen Antifa members brutally attack peaceful gatherings of Christian patriots, including children, teenagers, and the elderly. These people merely wanted to see their legislators in action at their state houses. People need to know the truth; Antifa is not some innocent collection of poorly organized " protestors". They are amazingly well organized and vicious--and they are clever, more than once committing mayhem while in the garb of "Trump supporters."
(Article in the American Free Press titled "Eyewitnesses Suspect Provocateurs", written by Maggie Rose McGrath, Volume XXI, dated January 25th and February 1, 2021)
Mary Finley
Mineral Point