July 28, 2021 at 1:55 p.m.

The vaccine that isn't

Dear Editor;
Let's talk about the "vaccine" that isn't really a vaccine. Hardly anybody else on the public stage, in the news business, or in Wisconsin government is using key facts, critical thinking or rational science to question it.
Ordinary people recognize the inconsistencies, hypocrisies, and foolishness of what has occurred during the past 2 years, but they still trust the medical professionals and politicians. We have watched as our parents unnecessarily die alone.We have seen medical martial law. We have seen small businesses die and global corporations prosper. We see annual flu has all but disappeared and CDC total US death stats are bigger for 2019 than 2020.
First, people died unnecessarily from COVID. Now they are dying unnecessarily from a literally experimental potion that medical professionals and politicians are calling a "vaccine". US death figures range from 6,000 to 200,000. Injuries are probably 10X more. The "COVID-19 vaccine" is vastly untested, non-FDA-approved, and based on a new genetic transfection technology set. It is entirely unlike any previous "vaccine" in all of medical history. You should research why it is called a vaccine at all. Even young people (almost zero risk) and people with natural immunity, which is the most robust kind, are being persuaded by the Pharma-medical cartel to submit to the vaccine. Young people are being re-victimized after a year of unnecessary quarantine and tyranny. Nobody in government or the medical business seemed particularly worried about the first harms: suicides, self-harm, psychological trauma, social havoc, and probable long-term injuries from masks. Now they're talking about boosters and virus variants ad infinitum. Do people seriously think this vaccine is about a virus and all its many illusory variants?
Do you wonder why the news media constantly repeats "CASES, CASES, CASES"? PCR is the genetic technology that hospitals and clinics use to test for the COVID virus. The problem is, that it can't test for a virus and doesn't specifically detect SARS-CoV2. The PCR process is not a technology applicable to diagnostics and the inventor, Nobel Laureate Dr. Kerry Mullis, has statements all over the internet explaining why. Except YouTube - they remove anything unfavorable to BigPharma. COVID "positives" are probably 98% false. But I'll bet most of you already recognized that. I was involved in the early development of PCR assay products and thermophilic enzymes. My wife was the first person in the world to teach the FBI how to use the PCR technology for forensics. It's hard for us to watch this coordinated deception, so we are speaking out everywhere we can. I encourage those of you best equipped to do the same.
Doctors, nurses and pharmacists are quitting their jobs all over America based on moral convictions and refusal to violate their Hippocratic oath. Many have become vocal whistleblowers. These testimonials from inside the industry are harder to find due to censorship, but I encourage you to research them before you talk to your doctor. As healthcare consumers, you all have to look deeper than the mainstream news, and BigTech-approved propaganda.
Please watch these videos for more information.
Dr Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer and VP of Research and Development for Pfizer Pharmaceuticals:
Dr. Peter McCullough Interview 5/19/2021
A manufactured illusion. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich 9/7/21" on www.odysee.com
DISCLAIMER: This information is intended to educate the general public on health care and medical issues that may affect their daily lives. The information is intended to support, not replace, discussion with your doctor or healthcare professionals. Nothing in the content or products should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always talk to your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your specific medical needs.
Mark Lepinske
Dodgeville, WI