July 28, 2021 at 1:55 p.m.

Say "NO" to Contracts for Industrial Wind Turbines (ITW) that will kill SW Wisconsin and make it an Industrial Wasteland!

Dear Editor;
A push by slimy snake salesmen to have VERY FINE landowners sign contracts at the landowner's kitchen table is a regular occurrence in Iowa, Grant, and Lafayette county. These salesmen seem to be drawn not by their heart, good environment, or common sense but their pocketbooks to subdue the warm-hearted people of these counties to destroy their good health, lands, rich soil, aesthetic beauty, and the Driftless Area.
The Reasons why you should not sign?
1) The only thing green in these Industrial Wind Turbines (IWT) are the green money it makes including the IWT salesmen and private companies (merchant power plants) behind them.
2) Big Industrial Wind Turbines (IWT) is obscene, profane and vulgar. They are dinosaurs of the energy future! They are like a cancer that metastasizes or spreads all over Iowa County and SW Wisconsin.
3) They will cause Iowa County or SW Wisconsin to be an Industrial Wasteland. . ..
4) Iowa County or SW Wisconsin property values will plummet.
5) If Private Companies of Industrial Wind Turbines(IWT) try to invade Iowa County or SW Wisconsin the residents will go from wanting to live here and raising their children to not wanting to live here at all. They will say: "I hate Industrial Wind Turbines (IWT). The noise drives me crazy and spinning blades are horrible and the whole Iowa County and SW Wisconsin is an Industrial WASTELAND! Nobody in his or her right mind would move to Iowa County or SW Wisconsin! My children do not want to live here and their children will not want to live here! "
6) A 172 (650 feet twice or more the tallness of Montfort's Wind Turbines) Industrial Wind Turbines is just a start for Iowa County or SW Wisconsin!! This may lead to infection of many substations, more Industrial Wind Turbines, more merchant power plants, more huge Solar Farms and a SW Wisconsin INDUSTRIAL WASTELAND....
7) Say "NO" to these contracts (maybe 60 pages or more) that are written only for the private companies (or merchant power plant owners).
8) Just because a landowner signs with one private company (merchant power plant) that private company may sell your contract to another private company which may pay you far less money than the first company you signed with and still that private company may sell again your contract and then again give you even less money for your signed contract.
Dr. Gloria and LeRoy Belken
Montfort, WI