July 27, 2021 at 11:43 a.m.

Parenting choices

Dear Editor;
Has anybody ever told you you weren't raising your children properly? We all know how offensive that is to parents. You will never catch me telling someone how to raise their kids. We all know a parent who has encouraged their child to tag along on a deer hunt a little too early. You know what happens; a child that is taken too early cries the entire time while the deer is processed after being shot. It can be a traumatic experience. BUT, we don't berate the parent for doing it, because we don't tell our friends how to raise their kids. And we certainly don't report them to the Department of Child and Family Services. The state doesn't regulate the age at which a parent can take their child along on a deer hunt.
Somehow, though, our state legislators seem to think they need to tell us how to raise our kids in other ways. They are upset that some parents want to let their children think of themselves as "him" instead of "her" or "they" instead of "him or her." They think that the medical treatments we chose for our children should be a matter of law enforcement instead of a private family decision. With the bills that are currently working their way through many state legislatures, including our own here in Wisconsin, politicians are attempting to control how we live our private lives, and tell us how to raise our children.
Imagine if politicians made it a law that parents must call their children by whatever pronoun the child chooses, and buy them what ever gender of clothing they asked for. Please write your state legislative representatives and tell them that the decisions we make while raising our children are not their business.
Robin Fuller
Lancaster, WI