January 26, 2021 at 11:50 a.m.

This doesn't bode well

Dear Editor;
I read Mr. Pincus' letter of Jan. 7th with a certain measure of cynical amusement. He cites the fact that court cases have been dismissed as evidence of the lack of proof of voter fraud, yet by and large the majority were evidentiary cases. If a case is dismissed before the evidence is looked at, where is the proof?
The Supreme Court dismissed Texas' lawsuit against Georgia for lack of standing. Silly Texas, it's none of your business whether or not GA violated its constitution by changing voter law without legislative approval. It's not like we're a Union or anything . . . right?
Michigan's Antrim County audited its voting machines and found that 68% of the ballots were rejected for manual counting, grossly violating Federal voting machine standards . . . clearly the Federal standards are unreasonable, right?
I could go on, but none of these sorts of things proves fraud. But from where I stand, for every Trump supporter bawling "This was FRAUD!" there is a Biden supporter hollering "There NEVER could be fraud!" and worst of all the courts are failing in their lawful duties to investigate. None of this bodes well for the USA.
Chris Seyfert