January 26, 2021 at 11:50 a.m.

My thoughts

Dear Editor;
The Riot on the Nation's Capitol
There was a riot on the Nation's Capitol.
It was egged on by President Trump, maybe he should have been unseen and quiet like a mouse.
The Democrats tried to impeach him without help from the Republicans once before.
Now after the riot they want to impeach him again when he has one foot out the door.
I think this could have been avoided if the Republicans would have kept their heads out of the sand.
Now they are angry because things got out of hand.
After the rioting five people were left dead.
Even after the truth came out the Senators' inactivity on the impeachment is where it lead.
What kind of president was/is President Trump?
When playing tennis some news media seem to have a fascination with his rump.
He really sets a good example like don't tell the truth.
Unless it's Trump's truth.
When they told the truth he fired them.
He belittles, makes fun of, calls people names, makes threats against people, I call this bullying.
And when the truth came out the Republicans and many Democrats wouldn't do anything.
Even faced with normal people's truth.
These Senators took an oath to protect their constituents and the constitution.
They should have lost their jobs after spitting on the constitution.
When a president won't take responsibility for his actions.
Then they shouldn't be surprised by people's reactions.
Every life matters
No one has the right to take a life and leave a family emotionally battered.
In my opinion anyone and everyone's life matters.
We all have a right to follow our hopes and dreams and not have them shattered.
Then by Jesus' grace no one's life ends up in tatters.
I hope to see the day when we're all treated as equals.
America still has a long way to go.
Many times it seems like life keeps repeating itself like so many movie sequels.
Red, yellow, black, and white are all precious to Jesus' sight, this I know.
What needs to be done seems clear.
With all the protests, hopefully the attention of lawmakers will be caught and together are equal before we will acquire as; an equal future we keep moving toward.
Margaret E, Conner