January 15, 2021 at 9:40 a.m.

Worried about America

Dear Editor;
America and our democracy is not perfect, but I know that abandoning democratic ideals is not the way forward to fix systemic problems. Do I disagree with others on various issues and am I sometimes suspicious about their agendas? Yes! But, it is destructive to undermine democratic ideals and principles because I don't agree with a point of view or don't like an outcome. I am worried about an America that may be losing sight of our democratic principles.
The accumulation of knowledge and evidence has led to advancements in science, medicine, and technology. Every day I use my cell phone or my computer or drive my car or receive health care, I remind myself that science and evidence have made these advancements possible. Advancements continue to evolve. We strive to improve them through a better understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and consequences. Democracy is a lot like this. While not perfect, it is something that we must nurture, protect, and where necessary improve. As soon as we, or our leaders, act or speak in ways that undermine democratic principles we put America at risk. How often have you said to yourself and others, I am glad to be an American? At the root of this pronouncement are the democratic ideals crafted by our founding fathers. It is appropriate to question and to discuss the best path forward to attain the ideal, but it is not constructive to undermine or reject an ideal just because someone tells you, without evidence or fact, that the truth is something different. The amendments to the constitution are evidence that we can improve upon an ideal without rejecting it.
I am worried about an America that believes one person's vote is more important or valid than another's, that believes equal justice is un-American, that espouses personal rights without regard for others, that is getting angrier and listening less, that feels disenfranchised by and suspicious of government, that is willing to accept and perpetuates conspiracy theories and lies over well-founded truths, that acts and speaks in ways that undermine democratic ideals, that embraces threats and intimidation, that is so polarized by ideology, labels and misinformation that we are unable or unwilling to find a way forward, and that values ideology, power and control over collaboration, beneficence, and the greater good. I am not so naïve to think that America can attain perfection. I do believe that we can do better and be better. The path forward for America will be challenging, but not necessarily hopeless. Please help me be less worried and more confident about a bright future for America.
Bob Breslow
Dodgeville, WI