January 15, 2021 at 9:39 a.m.

Learn from others around the globe

Dear Editor;
People around the globe from Germany, to Australia, to California, and Iowa are speaking loudly and acting to put a halt to the invasion of noisy industrial wind turbines in their backyards. People in Southwest Wisconsin can learn a lot from their experiences.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information, Bethesda, MD, reported that industrial wind turbine noise amplitude modulation, audible low frequency noise, tonal noise, infrasound, and lack of nighttime abatement have been identified as plausible noise characteristics that could cause annoyance, and other health effects. Documented symptoms include Sleep Disturbance, headaches, Ear Pressure, Dizziness, Vertigo, Nausea, Visual Blurring, Irritability, problems with concentration and memory, and Panic Episodes associated with sensations of internal pulsations or quivering when awake or asleep.
In America, rural communities have gone on the offensive against the wind turbine onslaught. New York's power-obsessed governor Cuomo is determined to carpet his state with thousands of wind turbines. California is doing likewise. Midwestern governors are following suite lured by money given them and county leaders by the energy companies. Wisconsin's Governor Evers is following Cuomo's lead as is Iowa's Governor Reynolds.
Many areas are banning turbines at a time when Southwest Wisconsin is welcoming them in, Upstate New Yorkers are taking matters into their own hands to protest the onslaught and document the effects. IN California, San Bernardino County, the state's largest county, has banned the construction of large solar and wind farms in some areas. Residents do not want their rural community littered with renewables.
Here in rural Wisconsin we need to ask ourselves the same questions. Are we OK with our beautiful area being littered with noisy, inefficient wind turbines which will destroy our natural beauty and ecology and raise our property taxes and electricity rates? This is indeed a question that should be pondered now, before the "cat is out of the bag!"
Linda Grice,
Stitzer, WI