January 15, 2021 at 9:40 a.m.

Another horror

Dear Editor;
I don't want to be an alarmist. I really don't. Especially coming off 2020 with all of it's inherent issues. But having recently become aware of the next horror proposed to be visited upon us, I feel like I must speak out again.
When the Quilt Block Wind farm was erected I felt sad for the families who had to see the tall turbines and flashing red lights causing light pollution in the night sky. But now that very same thing is being proposed for Iowa County as well! Not only that, but seeing the map of the proposed project, we can anticipate turbines right outside our doors.
This project is dependent upon the Cardinal Hickory Creek line becoming a reality. It also depends on the distress of the local land owners who honestly need the monies due to the recent disruptions in their, and all of our lives. Although it is understandable to look for ways to survive, I would plead that a complete disruption of the environment in Iowa and Lafayette Counties is not the way. Please read, and then read again, the impact this project will have on each and every one of us at SoulWisconsin.org. This is important people.
Jane Batha
Mineral Point