January 15, 2021 at 9:43 a.m.
By Mike Reilly-mreilly@thedodgevillechronicle.com
I made my first mistake for 2021 in last week's Chronicle. The photo of the ice covered silo on the front page that was taken by Bob Kratochwill, I said the former Jack Weier farm was run by his son Dale. It is actually owned by his son Dave! I should've contacted one of them because I looked on the internet - and everyone knows "you can believe everything you find on the internet." I'm sure I will make a few more mistakes before 2021 is over!
I see where the VA hospital in Madison is providing COVID-19 shots for veterans. I know a few who have already signed up for their and a few others who are seriously thinking about doing so!
The Dodgeville Chamber of Commerce is in the early stages of working on two projects for 2021 - the Wisconsin Grilled Cheese Contest that is usually scheduled for the end of April, DodgeFest that is usually scheduled for August and the softball tournament that is usually in July or later in August. The exact dates will be talked about in the near future. More than likely the Grilled Cheese event will be later than April this year. Hopefully there are other events that can take place for the chamber as well as other organizations!
Also, the chamber is in the process of selling raffle tickets (300 total) for a Grand Prize of $10,000, with other prizes too. This is in lieu of not being able to hold fundraising events in 2020. it's called "Raffle for a Cause - investing in 2021 Chamber Events!
So far in January we haven't had much snow or cold weather. I hope that continues. Some snow cover is fine, like we have now, and temperatures in the 20's and 30's will also suffice! Below zero and wind is what I really don't like!
Today (Thursday, January 14, is National Dress Up Your Pet Day! To show you a few pets and how to dress them, no matter their species or size, I have put the photo above for ideas! Have fun!