January 8, 2021 at 11:58 a.m.

Voter fraud

Dear Editor:
I am a subscriber to the Chronicle because I believe the paper provides a valuable community service. Therefore, I was surprised to find the letter titled Voter Fraud in last week's Chronicle - not surprised that some people believe the election was stolen from Trump, but surprised that the paper printed a letter that violated its own Letter To The Editor Policy. That policy states, "We don't print purported facts that can't be independently verified." Fifty court cases alleging voter fraud have been dismissed because of lack of evidence supporting claims such as those cited by the letter writer. Hand recounts of ballots in every contested State have validated their election results and have verified the accuracy of their voting machines. Even Trump's Attorney General, William Barr, stated that the Justice Department found no evidence of widespread voter fraud. So much for the writer's purported facts.
At the end of the letter the paper makes the disclaimer, "Views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the view of this paper." Saying that Donald Trump should have been reelected because he was a great president is expressing a view. Making false claims about voter fraud is not expressing a view. It is an act which sabotages our democracy by attempting to undermine people's confidence in the legitimacy of our electoral process. In spite of its own disclaimer, the Chronicle does a disservice by allowing its opinion page to be used to spread such false propaganda.

Allen Pincus