February 15, 2021 at 1:06 p.m.
Make it taught throughout the year instead
By Kasi Greenwood-kgreenwood@thedodgevillechronicle.com
It was always one of my favorite portions taught in history class and that will never change.
After George Floyd's death that took place last year, I find myself realizing that we were only told one small percentage of our history. I don't know where the fault of that problem lies: teachers, administration, Department of Education?
Regardless of where the blame lies, it is important to recognize that our country can only benefit from telliing all parts of its history. We have to admit that there are some moments of our history that we shouldn't be proud of, not taking away from the moments where we should.
If this past year has taught me anything, it has taught me that there is a lot of inner work I as a white person need to do. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to walk out of my home and be judged just on the color of my skin. As painful as it is, it is a prime example of white privilege. White privilege is not a good/bad binary thing, it is what we do with that privilege that stands the test of time for us.
Recognizing that prompted feelings of guilt that I had to overcome in order to start the work towards anti-racism. I promise that once I sat with those feelings and worked through them, educating myself and embracing the journey has the experience that much richer.
In my opinion, one month each year is not nearly enough to recognize Black History. That is because our country's history is younger than the 400 or more years of oppression that people of color have had to endure. I would encourage our educators to discuss the possibility of taking Black History Month, cross out the word month, and extend it someway throughout the school year, even if it means having those difficult conversations at home with your family. It has to start somewhere. If anything this work cannot be done alone, I'm confident all will benefit when working together.
There can be no unity without accountability.