February 15, 2021 at 1:06 p.m.
Along The Ad Routes
By Mike Reilly-mreilly@thedodgevillechronicle.com
Bob didn't join us like he usually does because he and his wife were scheduled to have their first COVID immunizations at 8:00 Saturday morning.
As usual, when we are at Spring Garden, Chuck Misky and the Nesheims were there. It's always good to talk with them about the goings on in their area! Chuck's grandson, Jack, plays high school basketball at #1 Cuba City and is in his senior year. Former Dodgeville graduate Aaron Olson is the superintendent at Cuba City and has a son playing on the team too!
We certainly have gotten enough snow for a while now. I'm guessing between 5-7" fell last Thursday. I know the shoveling wasn't as much fun as it has been!
Somebody stupidly parked outside of the parking lot door by the Chronicle when it began snowing Thursday. Their vehicle stayed there until late in the day on Friday. That meant the snow plow had gone through so by the time they moved it there was a bunch of snow around it. I shoveled the best I could on Saturday so we could pull in there without getting stuck. Thank you for being so thoughtful to park there!
The snow on Thursday and the blowing and cold on Friday cancelled all sporting events scheduled for those days. That meant a lot more games/meets were moved to Saturday and Tuesday. The seasons are winding down with the next wrestling being at state, the next girls basketball being at regional finals and the boys beginning tournament play next Tuesday!
The Dodgeville Area Chamber of Commerce is in the process of selling raffle tickets (225 total) for a Grand Prize of $10,000, with other prizes too. This is in lieu of not being able to hold fundraising events in 2020. It's called "Raffle for a Cause - investing in 2021 Chamber Events!
By the way, the front door of the Chronicle has been open since early December. I've had several people ask! We do require facial coverings to enter however, but we are happy to see old and new friends even if we can't always tell who you are!
Speaking of the chamber of commerce, plans have begun for DodgeFest, scheduled for August 28, and the "Pop Up Town Square in July plus the Slowpitch Softball Tournament for early August. We are all hoping all of the summer events can be held this year - 2021 has to be better!
I almost forgot! Happy Valentine's Day on Sunday. I have a lot of very special women in my life, so to all of them (too many to mention) enjoy the day! I remember one very special Valentine's Day, probably about 40+ years ago, that I sent a dozen roses to a special someone out in McLean, West Virgina. I think that send cost me about $50 - a lot of money back then! Valentine's Day is also known as Saint Valentine's Day - a day of LOVE and AFFECTION!