February 1, 2021 at 9:46 a.m.

Response to "Media must not be used as a weapon"

Dear Editor;
Thank you for posting Paula vW. Dail's letter last week, rather than following her advice to discard it immediately. For, in her own words, she advises journalists to "...ask themselves how much of what appeared in print and on the airways served the common good of the country and how much was promoting sensationalist political theatre that attracted an audience..." Without a doubt, she hypocritically promoted her own "sensationalist political theatre" by suggesting that the American media outlets which published letters to the editor written by supporters of the 45th POTUS, namely Donald J. Trump, selfishly served their own pockets. Seriously? They published the opinions of Trump supporters only for financial gain? Therefore, half the country should be silenced? Are we living in 2021, or Orwell's 1984?
Also, I wonder, was Dail equally enraged when CBS allowed Hillary Clinton to suggest that Trump was an "illegitimate president", thus "perpetrating the lies" Clinton "spewed"? Hmm...
Reader, you have the freedom to accept or reject what you read, and I believe that you have the capacity to think for yourself. You don't need professors and politicians to say that you are too easily duped. American citizens ought to speak, and American citizens ought to have the freedom to accept or reject what is said. Also, just as a reminder, we wouldn't have a country of free speech if the colonialists didn't stand up for freedom against a tyrannical England that ignored their pleas for justice.
The hypocrisy from the Left, evidenced in Dail's letter, grew exponentially in the past four years. We now see how Never-Trumpers are willing to do whatever it takes to silence the incredible American movement this country is so blessed to have - a movement of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Silencing half of America is currently the greatest threat to the democracy that Dail claims to love.
This leads to the conclusion of the matter. To all sides of the political spectrum, heed this - suppression is the great enemy of democracy. Just ask the citizens of communist countries. Therefore, we should be free to hear everyone's opinion and use our God-given reason to come to the truth of a particular topic.
I appreciate that the Dodgeville Chronicle currently allows all sides of various issues to be published in the opinion page. So please, dear editor, do not follow Dail's advice by silencing the voices of the American people. Whether it's a liberal, pro-choice, socialist social activist, such as Dail, or a free-marketer, pro-life, conservative Christian minister, such as myself, the press exists to uphold the American belief that every voice matters.
Alexander Ruggieri
Dodgeville, WI