August 25, 2021 at 2:27 p.m.

Democrat Insanity

Dear Editor;
Since the Democrats took over the White House and before, they have consistently backed issues that are complete insanity. They seem to forget that the United States is a sovereign nation not a global institution. Their policies have continued to be something from a Third World country and not a sign of the free world.
Covid -19 which came about in 2020, had a lot to be desired in the way it has been handled. Covid cases were approx 33M and covid deaths were approx 600,000 for the year. Now that covid has been examined under a looking glass, we now know that the cases were misrepresented. Out of the 33M cases, approx 90% are considered false positives and out of the 600,000 deaths, only 50% are considered to be real covid deaths. That reduces the numbers to 3.3M cases and 300,000 deaths. (Read James Perlof's book entitled Covid-19 Red".) Biden now is clamoring for more lockdowns, more masks, more school lockdowns, more vaccine patents for this new Delta Variant, while using the same failed policies for the first pandemic. Instead of concentrating on deaths per covid, they keep rattling on and on about cases. Out of the 100,000 cases they said we had last week for one day, only 10% of those cases or 10,000 are covid. The rest are false positives! Washington DC had more deaths from guns than covid over one weekend. We have all the procedures in place, we're more educated, we know what drugs work, we have vaccinated over half the population, so now we just have to let the pandemic play out!
In May 2020, we had the start of riots all over the U.S. From Minnesota, Portland and Seattle, in the first weeks to all around the United States. BLM and Antifa were rioting for what we didn't even know for a long time. The police tried to arrest these rioters and put them in prison, but George Soros went in and paid all their fines so they could go out and riot some more. Even Kamala Harris came to these cities and paid their fines for them. They were burning down businesses, robbing high end stores, shooting cops and people, burning squad cars, they even tried to burn down a police station with 25 police inside. They seemed to jump from state to state, burning downs entire business districts. But the Democrats instead of shutting down these riots, egged these people on and then declaring that these riots were because of the cruelty of the police. They wouldn't let the police do their job! They wanted to "Defund the Police"! Now, since the crime rates have risen thru the roof in a lot of these Democratic states, they're saying they didn't want to "Defund the Police", it was the Republicans all along. What hypocrisy! Don't try vacationing in a lot of these big cities, the downtown areas are destroyed, crime is rampant. They estimated that we had a total $2B in damage to all of these cities, and BLM and Antifa continue to riot. When Trump was President, he wanted to send in the National Guard, but these Democrat Governors and Mayors refused his help. Trump wanted to contain the riots as soon as possible so he could control the amount of damage to these cities, but the Democrats refused. This $2B in damage is all Democratic incompetence and our cities will continue to go downhill if they do not stop the riots soon!
When Trump was President, he had immigration under control. The policies he adopted were lowering the total migrants that were getting into the United States. The drug cartels were limited in what they could do and the drugs decreased coming in. The wall was almost built from Texas to California, and the stoppage in crime was monumental. Since Biden became President, the southern border is now in crisis. The number of people who have come through the border have increased to almost 200,000 every month since January, with 210,000 in July. Biden stopped the wall from being completed, so migrants are stealing into the country during the middle of the night in these unfinished sections. They now have to police the wall's materials so people don't steal them. They've grown up with weeds and dirt.
The coyotes are being paid $1200 or more by these mothers of daughters who want to come to the United States. They have to give them birth control pills because they know their daughters will be raped along the way. But what happens when they get to the United States? What's stopping these coyotes from getting paid even more when they get here by selling them to sex traffickers or human smugglers? These vile people are present all along the border waiting for just some opportunities. Families are making their children go in alone. They take them to the wall knowing that Border Patrol will take care of them. At one time, they had 12,000 unaccompanied minors held in cages. They have to lock them up in cages to keep them from being kidnapped by human smugglers and sex traffickers. The whole border is in crisis. There aren't enough Border Patrol to have their eyes and ears on everything that happens. These sex traffickers and human smugglers use a diversion to get the Border Patrol away from the border. Then they go in and kidnap women and children for their illegal activities. All of this could have been avoided if Biden had just left the legislation stand as it was. He is the real cause of all of this mayhem. He refuses to go to the border! Kamala was given the job to cure the crisis. So instead of going to the most heavily populated areas, she went to El Paso TX which is the farthest from the border that you could get. She flew in to El Paso, gave a little speech, never going near the migrants and flew out so she could spend the weekend in CA.
They also have a mass migration Covid-19 crisis. The cases going into the Rio Grande border crossing has seen a 900% increase in covid cases. They don't have the facilities to test all these people. They now bus them into McAllen TX for the Catholic Charities to take care of them. Then they are flown or bussed to locations all over the United States. They are told to get tested when they get to a big city. But how many of these people are going to do that. By bringing these covid cases to the big cities all over the United States, they are spreading covid into our communities. We just got a reprise from Covid and now Biden is flying these covid sick people to all of these states. And what do the Democrats want from these people? Just vote in the next election for Democrats!
These are some of the problems we are having with the Democrats and especially Biden. He wants immigration to continue and he keeps saying everything is being done. But he refuses to see that this is a crisis. Most of these people are young adult males. We do not have enough jobs for all of these people. They are going to contribute to a mass welfare system where they will be paid to stay home and collect Universal Basic Income. If they do get a job they will be competing with the young white males. You can only take care of so many people in an economy. This is way over-kill!
(Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper)
Mary Finley
Mineral Point
* Paid for by the writer