August 3, 2021 at 3:21 p.m.

Utility wind generation, urban vs. rural

Dear Editor;
Out here in rural America it doesn't matter what we perceive, it's the need of the urbanite and their ability to cleave.
They hire people from far away places, who stack all the cards to hold all the aces.
Starting with landowner landlords because half the work is completed, they know if they start there they won't be defeated.
Their modus operandi has had a proven effect, but their contracts never show concern for their real neglect. They divide and conquer and pick us one by one, they say you may as well sign as your neighbors have already done.
The investors need the subsidy for without it there's no deal, so as long as it is there it's plenty for them to steal.
For the developers everything is on the table, even loading board members for the counties to make able.
When we stand up for ourselves and say this isn't great, they stand taller and cite PSC 128. They say we need a transmission line for all of us to pay, it's put through by Commission no matter what the engineers say.
Wisconsin Wind Siting Council Report is 2 years late, what are they waiting for Pattern Wind a hold to take?
We do need to save the planet and we have the technology, but the greed inside the intent smells like a glove of proctology.
I'm not only writing about Southwest Wisconsin as you read, this sort of thing is happening from sea to shining sea.
If this country could learn more about renewable energy, wouldn't it be great to see it work in full synergy.
Renewable energy works best if it's placed near where it is used, if done correctly the people nearby won't feel abused.
Never will be everyone happy all the time, can we all see the big picture to do better and be fine?
Rick Zemlicka
Cobb, WI