August 3, 2021 at 3:22 p.m.

Lets take this opportunity

Dear Editor;
As a lifelong resident of Dodgeville, it has been extremely gratifying to see the success of this year's Dodgeville HS softball team. Congratulations to their players, coaches and the parents of the players on this tremendous achievement. Although I only know a handful of the players, it's important to acknowledge that the team's on-field success is largely a result of their off-field work and preparation. As they say, success is when preparation meets opportunity, and this group clearly understands that philosophy. Countless hours of work by the players resulted in this team creating a memory that will last a lifetime, but also rewards the City of Dodgeville and the school district with a state champion-something no one can ever take away.
As a young person, I was a competitive wrestler, both in high school and college, and the same mantra about preparation was also true then. And it's true in life as well. Another thing that is true is that success breeds success, and I'd like to take this opportunity to invite all high school students who have ever been interested in a weight training (lifting, strength, flexibility, speed, etc.) to come to the high school weight room from 3:00-4:30 Monday through Friday. As a way to give back to this incredible community, I have committed to running the weight room and impacting as many kids as possible by teaching them how to properly lift weights and prepare themselves to be better competitors and athletes, or simply to get themselves into better physical condition so that they can lead longer, healthier lives. If you play a sport, you should definitely take advantage of this, but even if you do not play organized athletics, I'd love to work with you and help you!
But as they say, it takes a village to raise a child. This is where I need your help. Please help spread the word about this opportunity - share it with your children, grandchildren, neighbors and anyone else you know who might have interest or would benefit from this. Assure them that I will work at their pace and teach them everything they want and need to know because I realize that someone's first few times in a weight room can be a bit overwhelming and intimidating. My goal is to make this fun, productive and, most importantly, rewarding.
Thank you again to Dodgeville softball for inspiring our community. Now, to everyone else, let's get to work and see if we can make winning a tradition in our community!
Harry Hellen
Barneveld, WI