August 3, 2021 at 3:22 p.m.

Could this be the most censored information in the world right now?

Dear Editor;
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is pushing the baseless "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" scare. Don't be fooled. This is to drive fear and is not supported by science. In fact, reports from around the world are showing the contrary - risk of death is perhaps 600% higher among "vaccinated" people. I believe this is what so many scientists warned about a year ago: ADE - antibody dependent enhancement. ADE means that this new "vaccine" technology sets up the "vaccinated" for enhanced harm and death after subsequent exposure to viruses. Also remember that the vastly untested, non-FDA-approved, experimental COVID-19 "Vaccine" is not genuinely a vaccine. It is gene therapy delivered via Lipid Nanoparticle Transfection. Just one reason they're pushing the fear factor to the un-"vaccinated" is to persuade the young and college-bound. In fact, healthy young people have no meaningful risk for COVID harm, and published data contests assertions such as "carriers". As the data comes in and more prophylactics and cures for COVID are validated and published, we can see that even the elderly and at-risk may be at greater risk from the "vaccine" than COVID-19.
Here is what we need to be focused on. COVID-19 diagnostic tests are meaningless. "CASES" are fraud. All the COVID-19 vaccines are experimental. Every day we learn more alarming things about the jabs. Experimental (or FDA EUA status) means that you are the test subject if you subject yourself to the jab. You are the long-term clinical trials. I believe that the world is rapidly discovering that the COVID "vaccines" are not safe, effective, necessary, or even "healthcare"-related. Here is some data to consider:
The CDC has recorded almost 12,000 DEATHS in 7 months following COVID-19 injections.
VAERS COVID Vaccine Data
US government Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System)
Note: Reported events are a fraction of actual
USA through 9 July 2021
Deaths- 10,9991 (does not include the unborn)
Injuries- 463,456
European data as of 3 July (EnduraVigilance)
Deaths -17,503
Injuries - 1,687,527
As a scientist, this tyranny is difficult to watch, and obviously about a political agenda rather than about "protecting people." To see the bigger picture, I encourage every American to read Victor Davis Hanson's recent article, "The American Descent into Madness -- America went from the freest country in the world in December 2019 to a repressive and frightening place by July 2021. How did that happen?"
Mark Lepinske
Dodgeville, WI
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