April 15, 2021 at 9:32 a.m.

You have a choice

Dear Editor;
On March 25th, we saw a number of things in the political spectrum. International contention over vaccine roll-outs, and nationally, GOP legislatures vote to suppress the vote and to take control of money sent to the state of Wisconsin for the purpose of backing recovery from the Pandemic, and the President gave his first news conference. Where to focus?
Much else will have happened before this letter is printed, if it is. The future keeps coming at us. As the song says, "children are our future."
There are statewide and local elections on the 6th of April. Prime among the topics is the battle for Superintendent of Schools. We have seen the schools taking a greater and greater share of the headlines. Whether one cares more about the education of our young people, or just getting them out of the house, people care about the stand one of these people will take.
The League of Women Voters offers candidates answers and credentials at https://my.lwv.org/wisconsin/voter-information.
You can learn more about your voting options at https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/
When it comes to the schools, I will vote for knowledge, experience and success in the field of public education - Jill Underly is my choice.
You have a choice, I recommend that after due consideration, you make it, for the sake of the children, our communities and the State of Wisconsin.
Lola Gregg
Substitute teacher, Avoca