April 2, 2021 at 9:09 a.m.

Ron Johnson an embarrassment to Wisconsin

Dear Editor;
March is National Women's History Month, -- typically a time to reflect and celebrate the trailblazers throughout our history. It is also a time to pause, and bring to light the millions of women who have been driven out of the workforce since the beginning of the pandemic on top of having their rights under attack by politicians like Ron Johnson.
Many women of all types have lost their jobs at higher rates than men while also having their right to health care attacked. We should be fighting to protect and support women. Instead, Senator Ron Johnson wants to limit women's access to health care -- proclaiming that "Roe v Wade""was a tragedy."
Republicans in the Senate used COVID relief as a tool to play political games, and it caused delays in getting the American Rescue Plan passed. Not only did ZERO Republicans vote yes on passing relief, but one Republican in particular, Ron Johnson, pulled especially ridiculous stunts. Ron Johnson's antics caused COVID-19 relief to be stalled - Ultimately, leading to continued unnecessary suffering for Americans.
Instead of working across the aisle with the ultimate goal of supporting Americans during the biggest crisis many of us will face in our lifetime, Ron Johnson decided to slow down the process by enacting an arbitrary rule, causing Senate clerks to be forced to read the 628-page bill in full. This caused the vote to be prolonged even more than it already had been, so Ron Johnson could use the Senate floor as a political theater. Ron Johnson's stunt directly delayed:
* Sending $1,400 direct stimulus checks to financially struggling Americans,
* Increasing the distribution and access to vaccinations,
* Providing local funding to safely reopen schools,
* And providing aid for small businesses and restaurants.
* More gravely, an estimated 900 Americans died while relief was being stalled.
Ron Johnson needs to be held accountable for his role in prolonging COVID relief from being distributed to the American people.Ron Johnson needs to be censured for his childish actions. We need to continue to show leaders in Congress that we're serious about holding those who abuse their power, solely for political theatre, be held accountable.
We have heard Senator Johnson say he wasn't afraid of the crowd of white domestic terrorists that stormed the US Capitol on January 6 because "they love this country" and they "respect law enforcement." Let's be clear, attacking our Capitol to overturn our election is not "loving this country" and killing a police officer and seriously injuring dozens more officers while doing so is certainly not "respecting law enforcement."
If it's white people ransacking our nation's Capitol, he's not worried. However, if it was a crowd of people of all races marching to call attention to the systemic racism, then according to Ron Johnson, he "would have been concerned."
Instead of representing the values of Wisconsinites, Ron Johnson has chosen to stand with those that wave confederate flags, kill police officers, and trash our nation's Capitol while trying to violently overturn our election. We can't have racists and terrorist sympathizers in the US Senate. Ron Johnson is an embarrassment to Wisconsin and has to go.
Pallas Brabant
Montfort, WI