April 2, 2021 at 9:08 a.m.

I'm in agreement!

Dear Editor;
I totally agree with Mike (Reilly) in his 'Along The Routes' column 3/18/21, Whatever happened to just plain "You're welcome" that was once spoken after you said "Thank you?" . . . The reply more often times as not is "No problem." I also am disappointed when told that. BUT heartened when I hear staff at our local Culver's respond "MY PLEASURE."
I've had a "similar" experience.
I received a secure email from a financial institution. Reading through it, found a major error, specifically a date which was vital to the situation. I called and brought it to the attention of the representative I had been dealing with. Her response was "My bad." No "I'm sorry" or "I apologize" or "It was my error" or "I appreciate you bringing this to my attention and I will, from now on, proof-read my correspondence before sending it out."
In my opinion, the responses "No problem" and "My bad" are rude and reflect negatively on the businesses they represent.
Eileen Z. Fitzsimons