September 10, 2020 at 8:53 a.m.

We need a healthy, clean environment

Dear Editor:
This month, our well tested positive for bacterial contamination. Although it's the first such report we've seen in the 15 years since the well became operational, we were not altogether surprised. During the past decade, we have seen an increasing disregard for the safety of our region's groundwater. And it's getting worse.
The Trump Administration's utter contempt for prevailing environmental law - in this case the Clean Water Act - has resulted in a dramatic reduction in both the testing of our groundwater supplies and penalties for polluters. Now, Trump is pushing the EPA to terminate outright federal protection of groundwater, while at the same time moving to block state and tribal interference in the authorization of harmful, new projects.
When my husband and I chose SW Wisconsin for our permanent home, the promise of clean air and clean water was a leading factor. If there is to be a bright future for our region, we will need to retain the appeal of a healthy, natural environment. Poisoned groundwater cannot be a part of that picture.
Janet Brandt
Arena, WI