September 10, 2020 at 8:53 a.m.

Kriss Marion has my vote

Dear Editor:
Kriss Marion is an exceptional candidate running for the 51st Assembly district. She believes that strengthening public schools and supporting hard-working teachers should be top legislative priorities. In her own words, "Educating students is generally the jewel, anchor and economic driver for our rural communities" and she will be a strong advocate for investing in our public schools. Kriss believes that private schools and home schooling have their place in our communities as well, but opposes taxpayers' money being used for voucher programs. Voucher money siphons precious resources from public to private schools, at the expense and detriment of public education.
Public school funding in our state is currently limited to 2011 spending levels. This is outrageous. Governor Evers has requested more money to fund public schools, but the 2019 state budget that was approved fell far short of Evers' request. Novak voted for this insufficient budget, and he also voted against Democratic attempts to increase funding.
Kriss has been serving on the Lafayette County Board for the past three years and has proven to be a strong advocate for the values that our small communities hold dear. She cares. She listens. She acts.
It is with enthusiasm that I will be casting a vote for Kriss Marion in November.
Lauren Thuli