September 10, 2020 at 8:52 a.m.

Kriss Marion gets my vote

Dear Editor:
I'll be voting for Kriss Marion for the Wisconsin State Assembly in November, and here's why:
The state legislature has been ignoring the needs of rural Wisconsin for long enough. Our public schools are underfunded. Our roads are falling apart. And, heck, the current bunch couldn't even bother to come back into session to help us during the worst pandemic we've seen in our lifetimes. We need some changes in the Assembly,
I've seen Kriss at work in our Blanchardville community for over 20 years. She has great, creative ideas. She does her homework and studies up on issues she is concerned with, so that when she speaks, she knows what she is talking about. And she has always been active in supporting, promoting and working to improve our local community in all its aspects. I know that as a state legislator she will be committed first and foremost to the best interests of her constituents.
If you live in District 51, I hope you will make your voting plan now, and join me in voting for Kriss Marion for State Assembly.

Cynthia Guggemos
Blanchardville, WI