September 10, 2020 at 8:50 a.m.

Here's my choices to vote for

Dear Editor:
These days the numbers of the unemployed are staggering. Unemployment insurance was a help while the benefits were enhanced by the Congress. But here our Republican leadership in Wisconsin decided that they should go home for the summer and draw their paychecks anyway.
Never mind that food pantries are stressed, evictions going up, hundreds are sickened and some dying. Our Republican "leaders" Vos and Fitzgerald opted to send our legislators home while so many Wisconsinites are suffering, rather than do their job to help.
Women, some of us, finally got the right to vote 100 years ago. It is important for us all to remember how hard that fight was and how shameful that women were assaulted with impunity by law enforcement officers while they peacefully protested. African American women and men had to fight and bleed for decades longer for the right to vote. Native Americans waited even longer. If ever there was a time that this hard-fought right offers us the possibility of change, it is now. Will the minions of Vos and Fitzgerald again make it hard for us to vote? Or have they learned something from the black eye they gave Wisconsin by the lawsuit-stained primary election? Will Trump's corrupt plan to cripple the USPS succeed in hurting mail-in voting?
This time we know what we are up against. We will vote early, hand deliver our ballots and we WILL vote, for Kriss Marion, for Mark Pocan, for Joe Biden & Kamala Harris. It's a simple choice: representative democracy and common decency or the autocratic, callousness of the current Republican leadership.
Barbara Morford
Spring Green