September 10, 2020 at 8:53 a.m.

Democrats have instilled fear

Dear Editor:
In talking to many people from all different backgrounds and walks of life during this election cycle, I've been amazed at the fear that I've encountered. Countless people are afraid of putting a Trump yard sign on their lawn or a bumper sticker on their car. Others have told me that they will not share their political views on social media because of the threats and backlash that they will undoubtedly receive. I have heard of Republican lawn signs being stolen or graffitied. One man recounted that during the last election cycle, people would repeatedly throw trash in his yard which housed a Trump sign; he didn't want to put up another sign and repeat the experience. Others have literally whispered to me that they support Trump but would never say so publicly. They are afraid of physical harm or harm to their vehicle or home.
Never have I seen such fear. And it is fueled by the increasingly frightening Democratic Party which will tolerate no one's views but their own. The party that used to preach tolerance and inclusion has become the party of fear and terror. Their façade is crumbling away-a tomb to reveal dead men's bones.
Remember when you vote in November what the Democratic Party has become and save our country. It has become a party not of middle ground economics but one that affirms and encourages socialism (a system that has never worked and bankrupted other countries time and time again). It has become the party of hatred toward ANYONE who does not hold views compatible with theirs, to the point of threatening violence and destruction. It has become the party that openly or covertly wants to defund our police-the very men and women who are willing to give their lives to protect us. It has become the party that is encouraging the burning and looting of our cities and the toppling of historic monuments (many of which depict abolitionists whom the Democrats would have supported in years past!).
The Democratic Party has disintegrated into a party of hatred and fear, of bullies who want to silence us and take away our freedoms. Remember our law enforcement in November. Remember Kenosha burning. Remember monuments being toppled. Remember the screaming hatred of BLM mobs and the desire to silence any opposing views by using violence.
The Democratic Party has become the party of oppression-the party that will take away your guns, your religious liberty, your freedom of speech and of peaceful assembly. They will steal your children's future and destroy our economy which is booming under Donald Trump.
Remember what you are agreeing to when you cast your vote for a Democrat-the loss of your freedom. Vote Republican in November. Vote in person if at all possible. Vote against the hidden agenda of Biden and Harris who will literally and figuratively burn our country to the ground. Vote Republican--for your future and for your freedom.

Rebekah Neal
Dodgeville, WI