September 1, 2020 at 1:05 p.m.

For Digital Schooling Until It Is Safe!

Dear Editor:
We are against in-person re-opening of schools locally and around the country at this point. It has proven to be unsafe, and we are still in a progression of additional cases and deaths from the Covid Pandemic. We are referring to the recent large outbreaks of Covid virus infections of children at summer camps and school openings, that have already happened. The danger is that continuing these premature openings will only spread and worsen the Pandemic...and prolong it!
School boards are sacrificing the safety of children, teachers and well as parents and the wider community by trying to re-open too soon. School boards have been warned that it is premature to re-open at this time, and need to proceed with caution.
Not only would the children themselves be at serious risk, but so would their families and other community members who would then be at an increased level of contracting this potentially deadly disease.
Bottom line is that small groups of people on school boards do not have the right to endanger the whole community, and beyond.
The correct way to proceed is to wait for the Covid anti-virus vaccination, have it tested, have millions of doses produced, have them distributed and taken by millions of people in America (and other countries), have the numbers of infections go down in extremely significant numbers to where it is reasonably safe, and THEN re-open out schools and businesses.
We know that it is not fun to have to wait. This virus is putting EVERYONE out. But we now have the technology to provide education digitally for our children, it has proven to work, and we are therefore able to keep our children safe. It is the right thing to do.
Dennis C. McKernan Sr.
Carol McKernan
Mineral Point, WI