September 1, 2020 at 1:02 p.m.

Clarification on "Big Money" spending

Dear Editor:
A letter recently published in this paper accusing Todd Novak of being influenced by money from special interests is not only baseless but directed at the wrong candidate. In her 2018 run against Senator Howard Marklein, Kriss Marion benefited from over $1.5 million in spending from outside groups. I did some digging to find the origin of these expenditures to understand the true intentions of Novak's opponent.
The group Progressive Takeover, a Chicago-based organization committed to electing left-wing representatives to our state legislature and the Greater Wisconsin Committee, a Madison based group funded by big government labor unions together spent over $750,000 in favor of Marion. Further, she benefited from spending by the notoriously partisan and anti-farm League of Conservation Voters, a group who worked tirelessly to discredit the bipartisan work of Mr. Novak's Water Quality Task Force. As a resident of a district so dependent on both clean water and agriculture, this is not the kind of representation we need.
Marion has the backing of the big government unions and national progressive groups who know that she will faithfully tow the party line. Sending her to Madison will only result in more partisan gridlock to the detriment of southwest Wisconsin. Novak has shown a willingness to cross the aisle and get things done for us. We need more like him in the statehouse.
Dan Curran,