October 29, 2020 at 1:58 p.m.

No More Years

Dear Editor;
The Republican party is campaigning on two debilitating emotions, fear and anger, led by their spokesperson, Donald Trump. Their only platform is to fear and hate other people, especially other Americans. They want you to fear Democrats, fear immigrants, fear people whose skin isn't lily white, fear educated people, fear non-christians. They want you to hate your neighbors and fear strangers. They don't want to represent anyone who doesn't approve of their form of governng. Well, that's not how my parents raised me.
They raised me to be fair, to be kind, to be just, to be polite. They raised me to help those who cannot help themselves, to share what I can with those less fortunate than I, to be welcoming to strangers. In other words, they taught me not to be angry and fearful.
Anger and fear are tearing our country apart. Much of the world looks at the United States and pities us for what we have become.
While the Democratic party has its faults (as we all do), it has a positive platform to heal our country and bind its wounds. It has a plan to rescue the economy. It has a plan to overcome Covid-19. It has a plan to improve our educational system. It has a plan to establish fair taxation.
The Republicans seem to have no platform, no plans for anything. All they have is Donald Trump.
That is why I have voted for Kriss Marion and Biden/Harris.
America can be saved.
Kathy Britt
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