October 29, 2020 at 1:56 p.m.

Getting along isn't what we need in Madison

Dear Editor;
I think it's interesting to realize that Kriss Marion was the first woman chair elected by her fellow board members to the Lafayette County Executive Committee. And she was reelected to the Board of Supervisors by an overwhelming majority in the latest election. Obviously she is respected in her county.
That's why it's puzzling to me why Todd Novak, her opponent for the 51st District Assembly seat, is criticizing her for having strong opinions and not being afraid to oppose fellow supervisors when necessary.
The Legislature is not a social club. Going along to get along is what Todd Novak has done in the State Assembly for years -- voting overwhelmingly with his Republican majority and often voting against the interests of his own constituents.
Kriss Marion, on the other hand, understands that leaders should be committed to pushing back against corruption and a lack of transparency throughout government.
She was praised by the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council for pushing back against her fellow supervisors who wanted to "prosecute" reporters for reporting the facts about a water quality report the chair of the board wanted to squelch.
In Madison, Kriss Marion will be a strong voice for honest, good government and for a civil and respectful legislature made up of committed people who aren't afraid to stand up against bullies and to fight for what they think is right. Kriss Marion will fight for the resources our rural SW Wisconsin communities need to recover from these troubled times. She won't be afraid to disagree but she's also very good at making friends. I know because I'm one of them.
Diane Larson
Blanchardville, WI
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